PTIG P25 panel PPT presentations from IWCE 2024 now available
The Project 25 Technology Interest Group is pleased to publish the full PTIG P25 panel PPT presentations from IWCE 2024
The full presentations can be accessed and downloaded using the link below:
The P25 IWCE panels were all well attended averaging 60-80 attendees. The P25 Evolution panel had 155 attendees and was recognized as the highest attendance for any panel at this year's IWCE conference. Interest in P25 Standards and Applications remains strong.
P25 Panel Summaries:
P25 Evolution: New Standards, Interoperability & Security for the Future
Current top priorities for the evolution of P25 from the P25 User Needs Working Group (UNWG) and the P25 Steering Committee Chair. Update for P25 Standards recently completed and new Standards in development including LMR interworking with LTE
Panel: Nichols, Downes, Davis, Elder, Wright
Users Present: Case Study Chameleons - Unique Scalable System Solutions.
Veteran P25 System Administrators and policy planners offerd a first-hand view of their experience with P25 technology. A description of their P25 Systems, architecture, and governance models was shared. A detailed look at individual best practices and lessons learned to maximize interoperability. Case Studies: State of Virginia STARS, Lake County Florida, FBI, New Zealand
Panel: Nichols, Decoste, Holcomb, Massie, Dylan Earle (Former New Zealand Police Officer)
P25 for Utilities: Your Swiss Army Knife for Incident Management Interoperability
A mature comms option traditionally limited to public safety, utilities may not realize that Project 25 offers a number of standardized over the air and wireline interfaces. P25 can facilitate multi-agency communications at natural disasters, provide man-down emergency calls, and flexible enough to include request-to-talk (RTT) callback.
Panel: Nichols, Holthaus, Rohrbacher
Featuring Utility Incident Comms and P25 sharing in Nebraska and New Mexico
New Technologies for Project 25 Testing and Compliance
P25 Testing Technology has kept pace with the evolution of P25 Standards over the last 32 years; offering a broad array of new testing products, services, labs, and compliance assessment programs. These solutions are currently available to help First Responders assure the reliability of their Mission Critical Communications systems.
Panel: Nichols, Giggetts, Latimer, Root, D. Adams, M. Schafer
Panel was included in the “In building” Track at the conference.
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PTIG Welcomes our Newest Corporate Member: Frequentis
The Project 25 Technology Interest Group Welsomes our newest Corpoprate member: Frequentis
We welcome Andreas Heschl, Manuel Hintermayr, and the Frequentis team in Vienna Austria to the organization.
Frequentis' Public Safety domain has been supplying Emergency Services organizations with highly reliable, easy-to-use, control center solutions for more than two decades.
Extensive expertise gained from a comprehensive and scalable voice communication and information offering across key industries sets the foundation for supporting multiple segments with solutions tailored to customer needs.
As communication technology evolves toward more open and multimedia-oriented standards and platforms including connection to current and future radio-networks (such as P25, DMR, TETRA, MCX, etc.), Frequentis is leading the way in defining and implementing these standards through active participation in industry organizations, such as PTIG, EENA, NENA, APCO and TCCA.”
Manuel Hintermayr, Head of Solutions & PS Sales E-mail
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Join The Project 25 Technology Interest Group (PTIG) at IWCE 2023 for the Latest P25 News and Technology Update.
- Join us at IWCE for 5 P25 Panels featuring the latest Updates, Applications and Capabilities of P25 technology Including 3 back to back panels creating a P25 Workshop.
- Visit the Project 25 Technology Interest Group Booth (528). Bring your questions and meet with P25 User agency directors and engineers from our P25 Industry members and consultants.
- See all the new P25 Products and services from 21 PTIG member Booths on the show floor.
PTIG P25 Panel Schedule
IWCE 2023
Conference: March 25 - 28 Exhibits: March 27-28 Orlando Convention Center
Registration Link for IWCE:
P25 Panel Summaries:
New Technologies for Project 25 Testing and Compliance
Monday 3:50-4:50 PM Room W230C
This Panel will focus on Project 25 In-Building Testing Technology and requirements. P25 Testing Technology has kept pace with the evolution of P25 Standards over the last 32 years; offering a broad array of new testing products, services, labs, and compliance assessment programs. These solutions are currently available to help First Responders assure the reliability of their Mission Critical Communications systems.
Steve Nichols, PTIG
Ed Latimer, Viavi Solutions
David Adams, PCTEL
Cheryl Giggetts, CTA Consultants
Michael Schafer, Compliance Testing Labs
Don Root, DHS CAP Program
P25 Evolution: New Standards, Interoperability & Security for the Future
Tuesday 1:15-2:15 PM Room W240A
Learn about the current top priorities for the evolution of P25 from the P25 User Needs Working Group (UNWG) and the P25 Steering Committee Chair. Get an Update for P25 Standards recently completed and new Standards in development including LMR interworking with LTE
Steve Nichols, PTIG
Jim Downes DHS CISA, P25 SC Chair
Andy Davis, Motorola Solutions TIA TR-8 Chair
Jeremy Elder, L3Harris
Scott Wright, State of Connecticut
P25 Users Present: Case Study Chameleons - Unique Scalable System Solutions.
Tuesday 2:25-3:25 PM Room W240A
Veteran P25 System Administrators and policy planners will offer a first-hand view of their experience with P25 technology. A description of their P25 Systems, architecture, and governance models will be shared. A detailed look at individual best practices and lessons learned to maximize interoperability. Case Studies: State of Virginia STARS, Lake County Florida, FBI, New Zealand
Stephen Nichols, PTIG
William Decoste, State of Virginia STARS
Gregory Holcomb, Lake County FL
Alan Massie, FBI
Dylan Earle, Tait-New Zealand Police
Project 25 Questions? Ask the Experts
Tuesday 3:35-4:05 Room W240A
This panel offers access to the leaders of Project 25 through an "Open Forum" question and answer session. Bring your burning P25 questions and issues to our distinguished panel for answers.
Stephen Nichols (Executive Director, Project 25 Technology Interest Group)
James Downes (Chief of the Federal and International Emergency Communications Branch, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA))
Andy Davis (Manager Project 25 Standards, Motorola Solutions)
Jeremy Elder (Director of Product Management, L3Harris)
Cheryl Giggetts (Principal, CTA Consultants)
Brad Stoddard (Director of the Michigan Public Safety Communications System (MPSCS) and the Statewide Interoperability Coordinator (SWIC), State of Michigan)
Hermina (Nina) Koshinski (Chief, Radio Operations Engineering & Support, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania - PA State Police (PA-STARNet))
P25 for Utilities: Your Swiss Army Knife for Incident Management Interoperability
Wednesday 11:20 AM -12:20 PM Room W230D
A mature comms option traditionally limited to public safety, utilities may not realize that Project 25 offers a number of standardized over the air and wireline interfaces. P25 can facilitate multi-agency communications at natural disasters, provide man-down emergency calls, and flexible enough to include request-to-talk (RTT) callback.
Steve Nichols, PTIG
Jim Holthaus, US Department of Justice
Michael Rohrbacher, State of New Mexico
Visit the Project 25 Technology Interest Group Booth (528). Bring your questions and meet with P25 User agency directors and engineers from our P25 Industry members and consultants.
See all the new P25 Products and services from 21 PTIG Members on the show floor.
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New P25 Trunking System List for 2024, Total of 1233 Systems Worldwide.
A New 2024 Edition of the PTIG P25 Trunking Systems list is now available.
A link to download the full document is below.
P25 Trunking Systems List January 2024
Thanks to Ken Brown for his continued updates on this database.
The P25 Trunking Systems List was last published in January 2023 with 1,218 Systems
The new January 2024 list shows an additional 15 systems with 6 systems merging into larger networks for a net gain of 21 systems.
Total of 1233 P25 Trunking Systems.
When this total is added to PTIG’s separate list of 2,387 P25 Conventional Systems…
Grand total for P25 Trunked and Conventional stands at 3,620 known P25 Systems worldwide.
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CISA & FPIC publish: Transition to Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Whitepaper
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) in collaberation with the Federal Partnership for Interoperable Communications (FPIC) published the Transition to Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) white paper on October 27th.
To Download the full paper use one of the links below:
FPIC P25 Transition to AES Encryption White Paper
An excerpt form the FPIC Whitepaper is below
Encryption is the primary means for protecting the confidentiality and providing authentication of sensitive land mobile radio (LMR) voice and data communications. In 2001, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) established the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) as the new recommendation for encryption for all federal departments and agencies. In 2005, NIST withdrew its approval of the Data Encryption Standard (DES) and incorporated AES as the new encryption algorithm under the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS). However, 18 years later, law enforcement and public safety agencies across all levels of government continue to use DES—a compromised and insecure encryption algorithm.
Most federal agencies have implemented, and are actively using AES for all LMR transactions, but budgetary constraints for many non-federal departments and agencies have continually inhibited the timely and necessary transition to AES.
The transition to AES encryption is the only solution that would provide a lowest common denominator of available interoperable encryption for LMR voice and data communications for all public safety entities at all levels of government.
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More Articles …
- PTIG Publishes Latest P25 Conventional Systems List. 571 New Systems Identified
- PTIG Welcomes our Newest Member Prism-IPX a leader in P25 Messaging and Paging
- Transition to P25 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) from CISA & FPIC
- P25 System of the Month: New Mexico Digital Trunked Radio System (NM-DTRS)
- An Open Invitation: Join the Project 25 User Needs Working Group Today
- PTIG Holds Annual Meeting, Elects New Board of Directors and Officers for 2023-2024
- PTIG Publishes latest P25 Conventional Systems List: 2387 systems identified.
- PTIG Publishes New Whitepaper: How to Extend your P25 System for LTE Interworking
- Join PTIG at APCO 2023 for the Latest P25 News and Technology Update.
- DHS CISA & FPIC Publish New Comprehensive P25 Encryption Resource
- PTIG Welcomes SKYMIRA as a New Corporate Member
- PTIG Welcomes BYNE as a New Corporate Member
- PTIG P25 panel PPT presentations from IWCE 2023 are now available.
- New P25 Trunking Systems list now available from PTIG
- PTIG Publishes Latest P25 Steering Committee Approved List of P25 TIA Standards Documents
- Join PTIG at IWCE 2023 for the Latest P25 News and Technology Update.
- PTIG Holds Annual Meeting, Elects New Board of Directors and Officers.
- PTIG Publishes Latest P25 Standards Update August 2022
- “30 years of Project 25: Transcending Boundaries, Enabling Interoperability” article from MCC August 2022
- New PTIG P25 Panel presentations from APCO: "P25 for the Future", "P25 Revealed"