The Project 25 Technology Interest Group (PTIG) Welcomes our Newest Member: Mission Critical Partners
The Project 25 Technology Interest Group is pleased to announce a new Corporate Member, Mission Critical Partners.
Founded in 2009, the firm has grown to employ over 150 specialized professionals serving the needs of mission critical communications clients nationwide. They are committed to delivering innovative solutions that help their clients enhance and evolve their critical-communications systems and operations.
A press release from Mission Critical partners is below:
Mission Critical Partners Joins Project 25 Technology Interest Group
Firm joins other industry leaders to advance interoperability of public safety-grade,
digital two-way radio systems and devices
State College, Pa. (February 22, 2022) — Mission Critical Partners (MCP) today announced that it is the newest member of the Project 25 Technology Interest Group (PTIG). More than three dozen industry-leading organizations — including vendors and professional services agencies — are PTIG members.
The group works to fulfill the vision for the Project 25 standards suite developed by the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) — in conjunction with local, state, and federal representatives — to ensure interoperability between disparate two-way mobile and portable radio systems and devices used by public safety personnel. PTIG identified four primary objectives for the P25 standards from their inception:
- Enable efficient and effective interagency and intra-agency communications
- Foster competition to reduce cost and drive innovation, enabling agencies to select from multiple vendors and products when procuring new systems and devices
- Provide user-friendly equipment that emergency responders can use under adverse conditions with a minimum of training
- Improve radio spectrum efficiency to enable agencies to increase system capacity, even in areas where radio spectrum is in short supply and licenses are difficult to obtain
“The work that PTIG does is vitally important, and we’re pleased to support its efforts as a member,” said Rich Cagle, MCP’s chief growth officer. “Wireless communications, specifically Project 25 solutions, are at the heart of many of our client’s missions. P25 interoperability is essential in helping emergency responders stay safe in their day-to-day operations as well as coordinating effective multi agency response to large incidents and natural disasters Our internal resources, combined with our nationwide experience with P25 systems, position us well to help PTIG and public safety clients across the country.”
About Mission Critical Partners (MCP)
Mission Critical Partners (MCP) is a leading provider of data integration, consulting, network, and cybersecurity solutions specializing in transforming mission-critical communications networks into integrated ecosystems that improve outcomes in the public safety, justice, healthcare, transportation, and utility markets. Our comprehensive experience and vendor-agnostic approach helps us develop modernized solutions for our clients to maximize value and create optimal efficiency while mitigating risk. Additional information and career opportunities are available at
Morgan Sava
Vice President & Director of Marketing
Phone: 724 964 2004
Toll Free phone: 888.862.7911
Rich Cagle
Chief Growth Officer
Phone: 614.561.9424
- Details
DHS CISA publishes New Whitepaper on Public Safety Communications Security
DHS CISA publishes New Whitepaper on Public Safety Communications Security. This comprehensive document includes guidelines and considerations for Communications security in Project 25 Public Safety and Government Systems.
The full document can be downloaded using the link below.
Public Safety Land Mobile Radio Communications Security- DHS CISA
It can also be found on the DHS CISA Website:
An excerpt from the introduction is below:
- LMR system security relies on the same elements common to security of all communications systems, among them:
- physical security of infrastructure and assets
- physical security of communications facilities and personnel
- precautions against damage and operational impacts from natural disasters and intentional destruction
- security of sensitive voice and data traffic
- continual monitoring of system conditions
- regular comprehensive testing and assessment of system operability.
- Details
New P25 System of the Month: Iowa Statewide Interoperable Communications System (ISICS)
The Project 25 Technology Interest is pleased to publish our latest P25 System of the Month:
Iowa Statewide Interoperable Communications System (ISICS)
The Full P25 System Case Study can be downloaded using the link below:
P25 System of the Month- Iowa Statewide Interoperable Communications System ISICS
In April 2021 the State of Iowa officially accepted their new statewide Project 25 (P25) network linking hundreds of public safety and public service agencies, schools and even some utilities across the state. The appropriately named Iowa Statewide Interoperable Communications System (ISICS) brings greater than 95% mobile coverage across the state with a significant amount of portable coverage as well. This represents a new era of advanced communications technology for the state with reliable interoperable communications for all member agencies that utilize the 700/800 MHz band and P25 Phase II Technology Standard.
There are approximately 27,000 users representing hundreds of unique agencies on the ISICS platform today. The system is a Project 25 Phase 2, 700/800 MHz, trunked system utilizing approximately 140 sites across the state and is growing. The System offers user agencies a minimum of 95% mobile coverage over the state geographic area. Shared interoperability talk groups are set for P25 Phase 1 & Phase 2
ISICS has been essential to successful communications in large events in Iowa. It was used during several notable events such as the Iowa State Fair, University of Iowa athletics, Iowa State University athletics, University of Northern Iowa athletics, Knoxville Nationals, Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa (RAGBRAI), Solheim Cup, dignitary visits, the 2020 Midwest Derecho, 2021 serial derecho that produced 60+ tornadoes, Major League Baseball at the Field of Dreams, and numerous specialized task force operations. Large, complex events with large geographic areas are now easier to handle with a shared P25 State-wide network. Operations for special annual events like the RAGBRAI bicycle ride are easier to plan for and execute.
The ISICS Case Study offers detailed information on all aspects of the P25 System
- Funding and Development
- Governance
- Training and Radio Programming
- State of Iowa System Metrics
- Interoperability
- Interoperability Success in Iowa: Large Events (Solheim Cup, Derecho)
- Interoperability Success in Iowa: Day to Day Operations
- The ISICS Offers Multi-Vendor Project 25 Product Availability
- Future Development Priorities
- Details
Project 25 Steering Committee Releases New Representative Handbook Detailing P25 Standards Process
The Project 25 Steering Committee recently released a New Representative Handbook Detailing the P25 Standards Process and Group Interaction Scheme for P25 participants.
A Public version of the New P25 Steering Committee Handbook is now available. A copy is available on the PTIG & CISA Websites using the links below
P25 Steering Committee Representative Handbook January 2022
- This handbook Is an excellent resource for Steering Committee members and non-members alike who want to better understand the P25 Steering Committee responsibilities.
- It offers a well-defined textbook on the P25 Standards development process and the various committees and working groups that develop the standards through TIA TR-8.
- It clearly describes the roles that the Steering Committee, P25 User representatives, and P25 manufacturers play in the process.
P25 Steering Committee Representative Handbook Information of Interest:
- Historical Background
- Steering Committee Responsibilities
- Steering Committee Membership Requirements, Voting, Executive Sessions
- P25 Standards Development Process
- P25 Standards participating group interaction scheme.
- Joint SAFECOM/NCSWIC P25 User Needs Working Group (UNWG)
- TIA TR-8 and various subcommittee list (TR 8.25 etc.)
- TIA TR-8 Committee Membership, Voting, and Role in P25
- P25 Standards Naming Scheme (TIA-102.BADA-A-1 etc.)
- Current TIA and TSB Document List
- TIA TR-8 and P25 Steering Committee Sessions Logistics
For additional information contact:
- Details
PTIG Publishes New P25 Standards Update January 2022
The Project 25 Technology Interest Group (PTIG) is pleased to publish the latest P25 Standards Update.
This update report is authored by Andy Davis TIA-TR-8 Chairman.
The PPT presentation includes a P25 Standards 2021 year end update from November-December 2021 and a new January update for 2022.
The file can be downloaded using the link below:
- Details
More Articles …
- DHS CISA publishes a new guide for Emergency Alarm across Multiple P25 Systems
- DHS CISA releases a New Project 25 Video: “The Funding and the Future of P25”
- PTIG publishes New P25 Products and Services PPT from IWCE & APCO 2021
- Project 25 Technology Interest Group Holds Annual Meeting, Elects Board of Directors and Officers.
- PTIG Publishes P25 Panel Presentations from IWCE 2021: P25 for the Future, PTT Harmony P25/LTE, P25 on Steroids
- Canyon AeroConnect: New Corporate Identity for former Cobham Wulfsberg Aircraft Comms supplier
- "P25 for the Future" Webinar on demand available for viewing from IWCE-Urgent
- New P25 E-Book "P25 Advancements" now available from MissionCritical Communications
- New ISSI/CSSI Non-CAP Interoperability test results from Motorola Solutions & InterTalk
- New P25 Videos Available from DHS CISA: Basics of P25 & Encryption in 3 Minutes
- Codan to Acquire Zetron Inc. Creating a Strong P25 Supplier focused on Standards Based Interoperability
- PTIG Publishes the Latest Project 25 Standards Update: February 2021
- PTIG Publishes New Non-CAP CSSI Interoperability Test: Zetron-Motorola Solutions
- New P25 System of the Month: Colorado (CCNC) a Game-Changer during 2020 wildfires
- PTIG Publishes Latest Updated List of Project 25 TIA Documents approved by the P25 Steering Committee
- The Project 25 Technology Interest Group (PTIG) offers links to a Library of P25 Security and Encryption Resources.
- PTIG Publishes: Project 25 Standards Update: November 2020
- New Operational Best Practices for P25 Encryption Key Management Now Available
- P25 for the Future Panel Presentation and P25 Update from IWCE
- PTIG Publishes latest CSSI Non CAP Interoperability Test Results from Bosch Telex and Motorola Solutions